VacuCap® Vacuum Filtration Devices

VacuCap® Vacuum Filtration Devices Innovative bottle-top filters can fill multiple bottles with one device

  • Ability to process 100 mL to 5L volumes into multiple aliquots
  • Reduces storage space and waste
  • Environmentally-friendly with minimal plastic waste
  • Draws directly from the mixing reservoir
  • Eliminates possibility of contamination from transfer steps by filtering directly into sterile container
  • Low extractables/surfactant-free Supor membrane provides high flow rates
  • Available with built-in prefilter to prevent clogging and to increase throughput of high-particulate solutions


  • Vacuum-driven filtration of cell and tissue culture media, microbiological media, aqueous solutions, protein solutions, and buffers
  • Prefiltration or clarification of aqueous solutions
  • PF version useful for filtration of hard-to-filter solutions.


1.Connect the feed tubing to the port marked “INLET” on the VacuCap device. Place the opposite end of the tubing in the unfiltered fluid to be drawn.


2. Connect the vacuum tubing to the port marked “VACUUM” on the VacuCap device. Refer to product insert for safety precautions.


3. While holding the VacuCap device securely on the filtrate container, start the vacuum. The VacuCap device will seal securely to the container top and fluid will be drawn.


4. When filtration is complete, switch off the vacuum pump allowing the vacuum inside the receiving container to dissipate. Refer to the product insert for complete instructions.

Process More per Unit and Reduce Plastics Waste Reduce storage needs while reducing waste cost compared with typical vacuum filtration system

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