Du är verksam inom utveckling eller tillverkning av läkemedelsprodukter där biologiska processer används. Detta kräver ett annat förhållningssätt till dina HPLC-behov jämfört med kemiskt syntetiserade API:er.

Peptide Mapping
If you are looking to characterise a protein produced via a biological process, this is the most used method for characterisation of mAbs and ADCs.

Method Transfer in BioChromatography
Your lab is looking into transferring a method from one HPLC to another? This need not be complicated with the right knowledge and process.

HiSpeed Monitoring of all Amino Acids
If you need to quantify all amino acids present in your culture media quickly and accurately, a dedicated amino acid analyser is a good option.

Identification of Small Peptides
You need to clearly identify small peptides in a sample, a simple mass spec is a great way for mass confirmation. Here we show why.