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Leverantör: Lovibond Tintometer
Beskrivning: Accessory for colorimeter, Automatic, transmittance, Kyvett, optiskt glas, skiktdjup 10 mm

Leverantör: Lovibond Tintometer
Beskrivning: PFXi-195 lamp 5V

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Leverantör: Lovibond Tintometer
Beskrivning: För rutinkalibrering av kolorimetrar och verifiering av testdata.

Leverantör: Lovibond Tintometer
Beskrivning: DB420 2 st Nessler rör, 250 mm, För: Comparator 2000+ systems

Leverantör: Lovibond Tintometer
Beskrivning: The Lovibond® System 3000 are a series of single-scale, 3-field instruments for visually determining the colour of samples by direct comparison with coloured glass filters. With a 3-section field of view, the sample and two consecutive glasses on the colour scale are viewed simultaneously, making it easier to achieve the optimum colour match. For rapid colour grading within pre-determined colour limits, the glasses can be set to the two limiting colours, making it easy to see if the sample is within tolerance.

Leverantör: Lovibond Tintometer
Beskrivning: Two spectrophotometric colorimeters that each include several of the popular scales that meet the requirements of objective colour analysis of oils, chemicals, fuels and other transparent products. The PFX<i>i </i>950 instruments are rugged colorimeters with fabricated steel housings, which function equally as QC instruments within the laboratory or on 24-hour operation in a production environment. The accuracy and repeatability of the colour data provided by these colorimeters ensures consistency in colour measurement, giving processors the confidence needed to make important decisions regarding raw materials and refining operations.

Artikel nummer : (TINT605534)
Leverantör: Lovibond Tintometer
Beskrivning: Absorptiometer cell made of optical glass with path length of 10 mm.
UOM: 1 * 10 Items

Artikel nummer : (TINT354230)
Leverantör: Lovibond Tintometer
Beskrivning: DB423 pair of Nessler tubes, 100 ml/288 mm (ASTM D 1209) with glass anti-meniscus plungers
UOM: 1 * 2 Items

Artikel nummer : (633-0244)
Leverantör: Lovibond Tintometer
Beskrivning: Plastic disposable cell, 4 windows, 10 mm pathlength, För: LC 100/Honeypod
UOM: 1 * 100 Items

Leverantör: Lovibond Tintometer
Beskrivning: For consistent and accurate readings when using Lovibond comparator instruments, it is important to use a constant light source for matching the sample with the glasses.

Leverantör: Lovibond Tintometer
Beskrivning: Lovibond®, Filter set red, yellow, blue, with 5 filtersl

Leverantör: Lovibond Tintometer
Beskrivning: En serie automatiska spektrofotometriska kolorimetrar för objektiv färganalys av matoljor, kemikalier, petrokemiska ämnen, bränslen och andra transparenta produkter. PFX<i>i </i>880-instrumenten är robusta kolorimetrar med fabricerade stålhöljen som fungerar lika bra för kvalitetskontroll på laboratoriet som under 24-timmarsdrift i produktionsmiljö. Noggrannheten och reproducerbarheten för färgdata från dessa kolorimetrar garanterar enhetlighet vid färgmätning, vilket ger tillverkare den tillförsikt som krävs för att ta beslut rörande råmaterial och raffineringsprocesser.

Leverantör: Lovibond Tintometer
Beskrivning: AF228T, test tube, Ø 10,65 mm, För: Lovibond® System 3000

Leverantör: Lovibond Tintometer
Beskrivning: These optical glass spectrophotometer cuvettes can be used in PFXi/PFX instruments.

Leverantör: Lovibond Tintometer
Beskrivning: OnColor™ Premium Software , För: LC 300, LC 310, LC 400, LC 500

Leverantör: Lovibond Tintometer
Beskrivning: The Model F is a visual colorimeter designed to optimise the use of Lovibond® glass filters in order to express colourof the sample in terms of Lovibond® Red, Yellow, Blue and Neutral. It can be used for colour measurment of products which transmit light as well as for opaque solids powders and pastes. Typical applications include including fats and fatty oils, bleached lac, liquid chemicals and pharmaceuticals.

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