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Artikel nummer : (662-1518)
Leverantör: Thermo Orion
Beskrivning: This general purpose combination electrode with toughened bulb and top-performance glass body can be used for precise pH determinations. Compared to conventional electrodes, the proven ROSS reference system exhibits superior stability in measurements, faster response, greater accuracy and precision when measuring samples that vary in temperature or when calibrating in temperatures that differ from the samples.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Leverantör: Thermo Orion
Beskrivning: These solutions are specially formulated to work with the recommended ion selective electrodes and prevent electrode interferences from filling solution.

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Leverantör: Thermo Orion
Beskrivning: Turbiditetsstandard, Stablcal® stabilized formazine standard, 4000 NTU, Typ: Formazine, Glass bottle
Leverantör: Thermo Orion
Beskrivning: Perform accurate, reproducible pH calibrations with Orion™ pH buffers.
Leverantör: Thermo Orion
Beskrivning: Solutions in sachets ensure optimum precision. The sachet provides a perfect liquid seal and good protection from light.
Artikel nummer : (662-1548)
Leverantör: Thermo Orion
Beskrivning: Restore proper electrode performance and prolong electrode life using Thermo Scientific™ Orion™ pH electrode storage solutions.
UOM: 1 * 475 mL

Leverantör: Thermo Orion
Beskrivning: Ionic strength adjustors are used for analysis with ion selective electrodes, and special reagents are used with some ion selective electrodes.
Leverantör: Thermo Orion
Beskrivning: Filling solutions for pH and reference electrodes.
Leverantör: Thermo Orion
Beskrivning: Fluoride standards are pre-made with total ionic strength adjustor buffer (TISAB) and requiring the TISAB be added only to your samples.
Leverantör: Thermo Orion
Beskrivning: These fluoride electrodes are designed for measuring free fluoride ions in aqueous solutions quickly, simply, accurately and economically.

Artikel nummer : (662-1522)
Leverantör: Thermo Orion
Beskrivning: This general purpose pH electrode offers superior performance for dirty, difficult samples such as soils, sludges, colloids, viscous materials and organics. Compared to conventional electrodes, the proven ROSS reference system exhibits superior stability in measurements, faster response, greater accuracy and precision when measuring samples that vary in temperature or when calibrating in temperatures that differ from the samples.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Leverantör: Thermo Orion
Beskrivning: Solutions for storage and cleaning that prolong the working life of pH electrodes. Cleaning solutions are identified by the letters A, B, C, and D; each letter designates a unique formulation.
Artikel nummer : (ORIO700001)
Leverantör: Thermo Orion
Beskrivning: Kit provides fast, accurate pH results in high purity and low ionic strength waters.
UOM: 1 * 1 KIT

Leverantör: Thermo Orion
Beskrivning: Accessories for solid state and plastic membrane ion selective electrodes.

Leverantör: Thermo Orion
Beskrivning: This benchtop meter is ideal for a wide range of applications and advanced pH and conductivity analysis in the lab. It offers two measuring channels allowing users to measure pH and conductivity simultaneously or view each channel separately.

Leverantör: Thermo Orion
Beskrivning: These bench top meters with conductivity module meet most challenging applications for pH, ion concentration, mV, ORP and temperature. The meters offer interchangeable measurement modules that allow multiple users to customise four separate channels to meet their specific requirements.

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VWR International AB säljer bara etanol till skattebefriade kunder.
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