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Leverantör: Biochrom
Beskrivning: Disposable polystyrene cells, 10 mm pathlength, 2,5 ml

Beskrivning: The tetrapeptide KDEL, located at the carboxy-terminal sequences of luminal proteins, is a retrieval motif essential for the precise sorting of these proteins along the secretory pathway. KDEL proteins perform essential functions in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) related to protein folding as well as assembly. The localization of chaperones and other soluble proteins to the ER is achieved by their continuous retrieval from post-ER compartments by the KDEL receptor (Erd2p), which is a membrane protein localized in the Golgi apparatus.

New Product

FoodScopes – robusta skopor för livsmedel tillverkade av högkvalitativt rostfritt stål

Mycket stadig handskopa, speciellt lämpad för livsmedelsbranschen. Sömlös anslutning utan springor eller kanter mellan skopan och det ihåliga handtaget.

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Slät, högpolerad yta

Beskrivning: The tetrapeptide KDEL, located at the carboxy-terminal sequences of luminal proteins, is a retrieval motif essential for the precise sorting of these proteins along the secretory pathway. KDEL proteins perform essential functions in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) related to protein folding as well as assembly. The localization of chaperones and other soluble proteins to the ER is achieved by their continuous retrieval from post-ER compartments by the KDEL receptor (Erd2p), which is a membrane protein localized in the Golgi apparatus.

New Product

Leverantör: Cole Parmer
Beskrivning: No more reading glass thermometers.

Leverantör: JULABO GMBH
Beskrivning: The powerful and robust CORIO™ laboratory circulators provide the exact temperature, absolute precision, and a wide working temperature range. The CORIO™ CP model is an advanced unit with professional technology for demanding applications and can be used for temperature control of internal or external applications due to the powerful and infinitely adjustable pressure pump. The jet nozzle allows continuous adjustment of the pump stream in the system. These heating circulators are optimised for external temperature applications in combination with jacketed reactors, distillation apparatus, mini-plant applications, photometers, refractometers and can also be used for internal temperature applications of samples and small objects.


Artikel nummer : (STUA03011-49)
Leverantör: Cole Parmer
Beskrivning: Digitally measure three melting points at once.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Leverantör: VWR Collection
Beskrivning: Pipetting accuracy is critical for successful experiments: A small inaccuracy in pipetting can result in important variations in results. The pipette check function of these touchscreen balances allows the user to check if the pipette is still accurate, as per directive ISO 8655 'Piston-operated volumetric apparatus - Gravimetric methods for the determination of measurement error' and customisable methods.

Leverantör: VWR Chemicals
Beskrivning: These standards can be used with any melting point apparatus and are prepared using pure raw materials. Melting points are determined using a high accuracy Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) system that is calibrated to the ITS 90 International Temperature Scale.
Artikel nummer : (633-0162)
Leverantör: Biochrom
Beskrivning: The CO 8000 cell density meter is a small, portable and easy to use instrument for measuring the density of <i>E.coli</i> and yeast cells in suspension at 600 nm.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Leverantör: JULABO GMBH
Beskrivning: The powerful and robust CORIO™ laboratory circulators provide the exact temperature, absolute precision, and a wide working temperature range. The CORIO™ CD model is an advanced unit with professional technology for demanding applications and can be used for temperature control of internal or external applications. The jet nozzle allows continuous adjustment of the pump stream in the system. The insulated stainless steel baths are durable and have an integrated drain tap. These heating circulators are optimised for external temperature applications in combination with jacketed reactors, distillation apparatus, mini-plant applications, photometers, refractometers and can also be used for internal temperature applications of samples and small objects.

Leverantör: AMARELL, ARNO
Beskrivning: These precision thermometers with standard ground joint are suitable for government verification. Ideal for use in laboratories in glass apparatus.

Leverantör: BEHR
Beskrivning: The behrotest® WE 5 Five-in-a-line multiple steam generator provides the simultaneously rapid and gentle distillation of up to five samples. The discharge of steam into the samples guarantees a particularly uniform distillation and thus a high reproducibility of the recovery rates over the entire range. The complete set includes:

Leverantör: Cole-Parmer
Beskrivning: Rotating viewing head ensures each user can analyse samples clearly.

Leverantör: JULABO GMBH
Beskrivning: Environmentally friendly recirculating coolers that saves tap water, these units were designed for simple cooling tasks where reliable continuous operation is important. Due to their compact design, the coolers can be positioned either on or under laboratory bench tops. Units can be used with water, water/glycol or Julabo Thermal G. They are ideal for cooling rotary evaporators, Kjeldahl instruments, measurement cells, automated analysis systems, CCD cameras, polarimeters, refractometers, calorimeters and Soxhlet apparatus.

Environmentally Preferable

Leverantör: JULABO GMBH
Beskrivning: Kompakt kyltermostat för användning på bänk eller i dragskåp, idealisk för temperaturkontroll av destillationsapparater eller minianläggning. Alla fyra modellerna har pumpanslutningar för extern cirkulation samt badöppning för temperering av små föremål direkt i badet. Högsta rumsstemperatur +40 °C och luftkyld ventilation innebär att kyltermostaten kan placeras bredvid andra enheter eller direkt i dragskåp.

Artikel nummer : (BUCH11058004)
Leverantör: BUCHI
Beskrivning: M-565 is an advanced, automated instrument with video capability for professional quality control in a regulated environment. Offers all the features above but with the automated determination of melting and boiling points. The product is available as a 'Professional set' with or without the M-569 sample loader - please see below for details.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

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Lager för denna produkt är begränsat, men kan vara tillgänglig i ett lager nära dig. Se till att du är inloggad på hemsidan så att tillgängligt lager kan visas. Om call fortfarande visas och du behöver hjälp, ring oss på 08-621 34 20.
VWR International AB säljer bara etanol till skattebefriade kunder. Denna produkt ä reglerad enligt svensk lagstiftning. Om ytterligare information krävs av dig kommer du att kontaktas via e-post.
VWR International AB säljer bara etanol till skattebefriade kunder.
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