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Beskrivning: Food and environmental samples require enrichment before pathogen testing to amplify or grow any existing bacterial pathogens. Actero™ ELITE Enrichment Media works with a number of 'food pathogen testing systems' including lateral flow, ELISA and PCR platforms. For a custom solution, the Actero™ MediaPouch is for laboratories that require portion-packed media to use in automated media preparation instruments. It is available in pouches and can be custom packaged to meet your specific needs. Patent Pending Actero™ ELITE Enrichment Media represent enhanced formulations that further reduce the required enrichment time to an industry-leading low.
Leverantör: Merck
Beskrivning: Påsförseglingsklämma

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Arbeta snabbt med de kompakta och kraftfulla etikettskrivarna M510 och M611 som levererar stora volymer av högkvalitativa etiketter via Bluetooth eller Wi-Fi

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Lär känna etikettskrivarna M510 och M611

Artikel nummer : (380B-1KT)
Beskrivning: Intended for the histochemical demonstration of neutrophil granules in blood or bone marrow films.
UOM: 1 * 1 KIT

Leverantör: Merck
Beskrivning: Anaerocult®-systemet är ett tillförlitligt och etablerat system för odling av obligatoriska och fakultativa anaerober. Anaerocult®-systemet är baserat på påsar gjorda av mycket absorberande och mycket gaspermeabelt papper. Påsarna, av olika storlekar, är fyllda med en syrebindande reagensblandning som också producerar koldioxid. Vatten tillsätts för att starta reaktionen, som består av oxidation av finfördelat järn och frigöring av CO₂. Reaktionen fortskrider utan en katalysator. Inkubation är möjlig i en anaerob burk eller i påsar.
Leverantör: VWR Collection
Beskrivning: E-DIO start cable for connecting an HPLC system to an external detector

Leverantör: VWR Collection
Beskrivning: The Primaide™ is a standard HPLC system designed and manufactured to the highest quality by Hitachi. Suitable for academic and other small laboratories that need a sturdy and reliable standard HPLC system.

Leverantör: VWR Collection
Beskrivning: The ChromasterUltra Rs is the result of many years of research, development and experience, leading to the introduction of one of the most advanced, robust and easy to use UHPLC system available on the market today. Hitachi-High Technologies is a world leader in fluid control and optical analysis technology, as well as in high performance electronics. Hitachi has focused on combining the knowledge of these three key disciplines to give the world of chromatography one of the best instruments for today's demands. To arrange a demonstration with one of our experts, please email chromatography@eu.vwr.com.

Leverantör: VWR Collection
Beskrivning: Chromaster HPLC touch screen GUI for Chromaster HPLC System

New Product

Leverantör: VWR Collection
Beskrivning: Experience the next level of high-performance liquid chromatography with the Chromaster Plus HPLC system. This latest version boasts a sleek new design and enhanced performance features, including the upgraded CM5310 column oven and CM5410 UV detector. The new design offers a modern and user-friendly interface, while the enhanced performance of the CM5310 column oven and CM5410 UV detector ensures superior results. Additionally, users can enjoy peace of mind with an extended warranty coverage.

Artikel nummer : (609010.)
Leverantör: Merck
Beskrivning: The syringe adapter permits the withdrawal of calibration gas through a silicone rubber septum seal using a gas syringe.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Beskrivning: Where an AnaeroGen sachet is placed in a sealed jar, the atmospheric oxygen in the jar is rapidly absorbed with the simultaneous generation of carbon dioxide. This novel method differs from others commonly used in that the reaction proceeds with no evolution of hydrogen, and therefore, does not require a catalyst. Furthermore, water is not required to activate the reaction. When used as directed, the AnaeroGen sachet will reduce the oxygen level in the jar to below 1% within 30 minutes. The resulting carbon dioxide level will be between 9% and 13%.
CampyGen Compact for 1 or 2 Petri dishes, is a simple system for generating microaerobic conditions. The system consists of a plastic pouch and sealing clip and a paper gas generating sachet. The paper sachet contains ascorbic acid which reacts on contact with air to produce the microaerobic conditions for the growth of microaerophilic organisms.
Artikel nummer : (516-8200)
Leverantör: Cytiva (Formerly Pall Lab)
Beskrivning: Ultralab™ systems, composed of Ultrareservoir™ containers and Ultrapump™ II pumps, are designed as a rapid, efficient replacement of dialysis for buffer exchange and desalting of macromolecules.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Leverantör: Merck
Beskrivning: Drum pump accessory, Hand pump ball for withdrawal systems, disposable flat pallet

Leverantör: VWR Collection
Beskrivning: Dispenser kit with on-system anchor, VWR®


Leverantör: VWR Collection
Beskrivning: Rör (M-AS)

Artikel nummer : (730-0496)
Leverantör: VWR Collection
Beskrivning: SMART5 is a new generation of low cost, integrated imaging system for DNA and protein analysis, also gel documentation.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

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VWR International AB säljer bara etanol till skattebefriade kunder. Denna produkt ä reglerad enligt svensk lagstiftning. Om ytterligare information krävs av dig kommer du att kontaktas via e-post.
VWR International AB säljer bara etanol till skattebefriade kunder.
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Denna produkt är inte längre tillgänglig. Alternativ kan vara tillgängliga genom att söka med VWR art.nr ovan. Om du behöver ytterligare hjälp, ring VWR Kundservice på 08-621 34 20.
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