105  results were found

Propel your research forward

Propel your research forward As the ever-increasing demands on science challenge us to look beyond what’s possible Avantor is working hard to drive our customer’s success. Our experts are ready to help accelerate your research through innovative p...

Mikroskopi, bildlösningar och tillbehör

Mikroskopi bildlösningar och tillbehör Mikroskopi är en teknik som används inom många discipliner. Avantor har omfattande kunskap inom mikroskopi och erbjuder ett fullt sortiment av produkter från basvarianter av mikroskop till ytterst sofistikera...

Programvara och adap

Programvara och adaptrar Alla USB- och HDMI/USB-kameror kräver en programvara som kan hämtas hem från produktsidorna. I HDMI-kameror kan man göra inställningar direkt från enheter med hjälp av en mus, utan PC. Tablet-kameror har en tablet-app, vil...


Resources Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us Insights for making your scientific vision a reality At Avantor Services helping you achieve your fullest potential so you can improve the way the world works ...

Riley® glasögon

Riley® glasögon Sortimentet med Riley® funktionsglasögon omfattar en fullständig uppsättning av receptbelagda mästerligt tillverkade modeller som alla levereras effektivt via ett brittiskbaserat laboratorium för ögonvård. Alla modeller i serien fi...


Sustainability Our sustainability commitment ensures Avantor's everyday actions generate positive impact on the environment and society. With sustainability embedded throughout our business we fulfill our mission of setting science in motion to cr...

Scientists & Labs Operating at Peak Efficiency to Foster Innovation

Scientists & Labs Operating at Peak Efficiency to Foster Innovation Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us White Paper: Science as a Service Current industry trends and forecasts for the lab of the future ind...


Skyddsglasögon Overspecs fullsiktsglasögon och skyddsglasögon. Moderna ögonskyddsprodukter som kombinerar skydd funktion kvalitet och design. Produkter som håller jämna steg med den snabba utvecklingen inom industri och bygg – det är vad våra kund...

Science as a service

Science as a service Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us Scientists helping scientists Life science companies face increasing demand to deliver innovation and value. As scientists strive to maximise the va...

Prisbelönat innovativt ViVi-CR hjälmsystem med huva för renrum

Prisbelönat innovativt ViVi-CR hjälmsystem med huva för renrum Award winning sterile ventilated cleanroom helmet and hood system ViVi-CR for operators in aseptic cleanrooms Learn More Operators in aseptic cleanrooms (class A/B) are required to wea...

Designing Novel Fluid Sampling Systems for GMP Operations

Designing Novel Fluid Sampling Systems for GMP Operations Webinar On demand Replay Sampling is a requirement in every process step of biopharmaceutical manufacturing with an increasing demand on accuracy the closer it comes to final finish. The we...

Laboratory manager

Laboratory manager Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us Keep all aspects of your lab running smoothly and efficiently A lab is an accident waiting to happen without you. Constant risk assessments allow you ...

Remove the burden of protocol-based scientific work

Remove the burden of protocol-based scientific work Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us Focus on your core science A significant portion of the science that occurs in a R&D department is not purely towards...


01. VWR® BASIC 02. VWR® SMART5 03. VWR® CHEMI ONLY 04. VWR® IMAGER SYSTEMS 05. VWR® TRANSILLUMINATORS VWR® Gel documentation & western blot imaging 2 VWR® Gel documentation & western blot imaging | vwr.com Choose from the cost effective VWR® Basic...

Masterflex Easy-Load pump heads meet the demands of fluid transfer in a fermentation process analyzer

Masterflex Easy-Load pump heads meet the demands of fluid transfer in a fermentation process analyzer Cytosoft Inc. sells fermentation equipment. The company’s equipment is perfect for monoclonal antibodies and bio-pesticide applications. The ID S...

Masterflex fallstudier

Masterflex fallstudier Fallstudie om OEM: Masterflex®-pumphuvud används med Applikon® miniBio-bioreaktor Applikon needed a very small pump head that was easy to use accurate and provided reproducible results. They reached out to the Masterflex® OE...
1 - 16 of 105