Du sökte efter: Centrifuger
75 results were found
Provberedning Nedanför hittar du ett urval av VWRs breda sortiment av utrustning för provbearbetning till mikrobiologisk analys, båda i livsmedelsindustri och för kliniska prov på sjukhus. På dessa sidor hittar du information om våra centrifuger o...
Equipment and instruments
Equipment and instruments From top named brands to our own VWR Collection offering quality reliability and performance Analogue / digital dry block heaters Bioprocessing electrodes Hamilton / Schott Come back to work and stay healthy with our ergo...
Apparater & Instrument
Apparater & Instrument Product Selection Avjonisering Centrifuger skak & omrörare Elektroder & elektrodkablar Gaskromatograf Inkubatorer Konduktivitet pH Smältpunkt Spektrofotometri Vattenbad Vattensönderdelning Vågar Värme
NEW VWR® for nucleic acid preparation
NEW VWR® for nucleic acid preparation 28 pages of products taking you through the workflow required for nucleic acid purification. Including sample disruption and homogenisation - nucleic acid isolation - photometry - centrifugation and storage.
Instrumentation Mini Symposium: Latest Updates in Preparative Chromatography & Amino Acid Analysis
Instrumentation Mini Symposium: Latest Updates in Preparative Chromatography & Amino Acid Analysis Webinar Thursday 24th June 2021 14:30 CET (Berlin Paris Madrid) Register now! Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance In ...
Simplify equipment and instruments services management
Simplify equipment and instruments services management Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us Avoid downtime due to routine maintenance Nothing halts productivity more quickly than critical equipment or instr...
Suspenderat material
Suspenderat material VWR har ett stort sortiment produkter för mätning av vattenkvalitet med avseende på suspenderat material: Snabb metod med fukthaltsvågar Centrifugerings- eller filtreringsmetoder i enlighet med europeiska normer I metoden för ...
Kalibrering - sammanfattning
Kalibrering - sammanfattning Vår regelefterlevnads- och metrologiservice omfattar ett brett utbud av kalibreringstjänster för laboratorie- och mätutrustning: För närvarande omfattas: Vågar Termometrar Temperaturregistreringsenheter Kylar Frysar (C...
@@NUMMER 8090145@@
@@NUMMER 8090145@@ 1 PCR Mycoplasma – Test Kit I Mycoplasma PCR Test Kit I Product No. A9753 Description PCR Mycoplasma Test Kit I is designed to detect the presence of mycoplasma contamination in biological materials such as cultured cells. The d...
Equipment and instrument services
Equipment and instrument services Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us Optimising uptime and minimising downtime Accuracy and consistency is absolutely vital in any scientific field which is why you depend ...
Scale-up Cell and gene therapy is an emerging area that drives biopharmaceutical production. Critical challenges worth considering already in the R&D phase are scalability and manufacturing at reasonable cost. Take advantage of our knowledge and r...
IQ/OQ/PQ Märkesoberoende kvalificeringsservice som hjälper dig att uppfylla kraven Vår kvalificerings- och valideringsservice (IQ OQ PQ) hjälper dig att kontinuerligt uppfylla kraven hos FDA GMP/GLP europeisk farmakopé och ISO-standarder. Denna se...
Equipment services manager
Equipment services manager Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us Keep Your Laboratory In Compliance And In Operation In the vehicle of scientific research and production you are the technical expert that kee...
Equipment & instruments
Equipment & instruments Drying flammable and non-flammable solvents with vacuum ovens - practical tips for day-to-day applications Lothar Maresch Do you know what's in your laboratory water? Estelle Riche Optimising sample processing for secure co...
Nucleic Acid Preparation and Cloning
Nucleic Acid Preparation and Cloning Nucleic Acid Preparation and Cloning The outcome of any downstream analysis highly depends on the quality of the initial steps of sample collection homogenisation and nucleic acid purification. Whether you are ...
Pålitlig laboratorieutrustning
Pålitlig laboratorieutrustning Eftersom alla prover är värdefulla är vår laboratorieutrustning utformade för att ge orubblig prestanda. VWR:s sortiment av ugnar inkubatorer centrifuger skakapparater ULT-frysar värmeplattor och annan utrustning är ...
49 - 64 of 75