Du sökte efter: Acetonitrile:Methanol:2-Propanol:Water
16 results were found
Asecos Safety Cabinets
Asecos Safety Cabinets The different types of safety cabinet Q-Line: Safety cabinets for flammables Q-Line safety cabinets store all your flammable products. For example: Acetone dichloromethane cyclohexane diethyl ether ethanol hexane xylene prop...
Are Water Contaminants Impacting Your Experimental Results? How to Select the Best Water Quality for Your Science
Are Water Contaminants Impacting Your Experimental Results? How to Select the Best Water Quality for Your Science Webinar Tuesday 22nd June 2021 11:00 to 12:00 CEST(Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate ...
Trends In COD & Nutrient Wastewater Analysis
Trends In COD & Nutrient Wastewater Analysis Webinar Tuesday 13th April 2021 10:00 to 11:30 CET (Berlin Paris Madrid) Register Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance Wastewater discharge monitoring is an essential step ...
Intelligent Digital Sensors (IDS) for measuring under harsh environmental conditions, WTW, a Xylem Brand
Intelligent Digital Sensors (IDS) for measuring under harsh environmental conditions WTW a Xylem Brand MPP IDS – the digital multi-parameters (up to three main parameters) depth probes with built-in depth measurement to use in profile measuring De...
Nucleic Acid decontamination with DNA Exitus Plus Technology
Nucleic Acid decontamination with DNA Exitus Plus Technology DNA-Exitus Plus™ is a novel patented reagent for the removal of nucleic acid contamination from laboratory surfaces and equipment. Instructions for use: The optimal incubation time for s...
Turbiditet En enkel och svårslagen indikator på förändrad vattenkvalitet Turbiditetsmätning är ett viktigt test när det handlar om vattenkvalitet vare sig det gäller dricksvatten övervakning av avloppsvatten kontroll av industrivatten och så vidar...
pH Measurement: What is important if you need the 'right' pH value?
pH Measurement: What is important if you need the 'right' pH value? Webinar Friday 23rd October 2020 10:00 to 11:00 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance In this webinar we will cover ...
Sera & Media
Sera & Media Featured Solutions Avantor Seradigm offers 100% US Origin Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS) and FBS alternatives in various grades. Choose Seradigm for proven performance and consistency. Learn more Additional Resources Customer testimonial Pe...
Techniques and Contamination Control for Inorganic Trace Analysis
Techniques and Contamination Control for Inorganic Trace Analysis Thurday 10th September 2020 15:00 to 16:00 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance This webinar will be held in English....
See how Pall products can put these criminals behind bars
See how Pall products can put these criminals behind bars Barry Backpressure beaten back Pall Acrodisc® PSF wwPTFE syringe filters have been shown to extend column life by over 40X with no significant increases in backpressure. saving on column re...
Buffer management solutions
Buffer management solutions Buffers play a significant role in biopharmaceutical manufacturing. Typically representing a major component by volume used in downstream processing steps buffer preparation constitutes a significant proportion of a fac...
How to make your lab a safer place? Bring safety in your lab to the next level with Merck!
How to make your lab a safer place? Bring safety in your lab to the next level with Merck! Webinar Thursday November 21st 2019 14:00 to 15:00 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) PRESENTED IN ENGLISH Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certifica...
Digital intelligent mätning för mer noggrannhet och flexibilitet!
Digital intelligent mätning för mer noggrannhet och flexibilitet! I början gjordes pH-mätningar med en referenselektrod och en mätcell. De ersattes efter hand av först den kombinerade elektroden och sedan av den kombinerade elektroden med inbyggd ...
From Cell to Therapy
From Cell to Therapy Solutions for your entire workflow From Research to Production A deep understanding of pathological and therapeutic mechanisms at a cellular and molecular level is key for the discovery and use of drugs. By providing solutions...
Optimizing your buffer, reagent and culture media management across biopharma workflows
Optimizing your buffer, reagent and culture media management across biopharma workflows The adoption of hydrated, premade liquid, buffers, reagents and cell culture media can save you time, resources and money. Different strategies for solutions p...
Optimizing your buffer, reagent and culture media management across biopharma workflows
Optimizing your buffer reagent and culture media management across biopharma workflows The adoption of hydrated premade liquid buffers reagents and cell culture media can save you time resources and money. Different strategies for solutions prepar...