Du sökte efter: Blottingutrustning

VWR offers a variety of different blotting apparatus for Southern, Western, and Northern dot blotting procedures. Electroblotting systems feature easy blotting of multiple gels simultaneously in less than an hour. Mini and large tank systems produce uniform and consistent results. Semi-dry blotting systems offer fast and efficient transfers of proteins to membranes with low buffer volume. Most blotting apparatus include essential accessories.

VWR offers a variety of different blotting apparatus for Southern, Western, and Northern dot blotting procedures. Electroblotting systems feature easy blotting of multiple gels simultaneously in less than an hour. Mini and large tank systems produce uniform and consistent results. Semi-dry blotting systems offer fast and efficient transfers of proteins to membranes with low buffer volume. Most blotting apparatus include essential accessories.

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Artikel nummer : (700-0291)
Leverantör: VWR Collection
Beskrivning: shiroGEL Mini PAGE-elektroblottingsystem möjliggör snabb och enkel blotting av tre geler samtidigt. Gelerna sitter tätt i blottingkassetter med överföringsmembran som sedan placeras i blottingenheten. Spolelektroder i enheten genererar ström med hög intensitet, vilket möjliggör att elektroblotting sker på cirka en timme.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Artikel nummer : (732-1774)
Beskrivning: Blotting Utrustning, Blot module, miniVE™
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

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Leverantör: VWR Collection
Beskrivning: PerfectBlue S and M tank electroblotters are designed to rapidly transfer nucleic acid or protein fragments from up to four polyacrylamide gels at a time to nitrocellulose, nylon or PVDF membranes. The colour coded cassettes allow for easy assembly of transfer sandwich and error-free transfer. The large buffer capacity and integral cooling allow extended transfer times and high voltage/high current operation for the transfer of high molecular weight proteins.

Artikel nummer : (700-0416)
Leverantör: VWR Collection
Beskrivning: The kuroGEL semi-dry blotter provides great flexibility in a laboratory since it can be used for all types of blotting: Western, Southern and Northern. Blotting is fast and easy, and can typically be completed in 15 to 30 min. Set-up procedures are easy and economical with little buffer needed. The screw down lid adjusts to varying gel thicknesses and sizes, while the platinum coated electrodes provide uniform pressure ensuring even transfers.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Artikel nummer : (732-2148)
Beskrivning: Semi-dry transfer unit, TE77X
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Leverantör: VWR Collection
Beskrivning: PerfectBlue semi-dry electroblotters are designed for clean, rapid and effective transfer of proteins and nucleic acids from polyacrylamide or agarose gels to membranes. Suitable for use with Western, Southern and Northern blotting, these semi-dry blotters reduce many lengthy procedures down to around an hour.

Beskrivning: Dessa eleganta, låga system är utformade för effektiv överföring av proteiner och nukleinsyror till membran. Botten innehåller en katodplatta av rostfritt stål och i locket sitter en anodplatta av platina/titan.

Artikel nummer : (786-163)
Leverantör: G-Biosciences
Beskrivning: Enhancer™ dot blot system allows for the rapid application of up to 384 protein or nucleic acid samples on to a 12×9 cm membrane for subsequent analysis. Samples are applied to a nitrocellulose or nylon membrane by capillary action, resulting in concentration of sample due to minimal diffusion.
UOM: 1 * 1 KIT

Leverantör: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Beskrivning: TurboBlotter™-systemet är en snabb, nedåtriktad blottingenhet för högupplöst överföring av DNA och RNA. Den konventionella Northern/Southern-överföringsstapeln har vänts upp och ned för att dra nytta av tyngdkraften.

Beskrivning: Blotting Utrustning, Owl™, VEP-2 mini tank electro-blotting system, including transfer area: 90×90 mm, buffer volume: 1,4 l, L×W×H: 180×130×165 mm

Artikel nummer : (PIER84747)
Leverantör: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivning: The Western blot roller is a simple, reusable tool for gently and easily removing trapped air bubbles when assembling transfer stacks in semi-dry or wet-tank transfer cassettes.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items


Leverantör: Genscript
Beskrivning: eBlot® L1 wet protein transfer system is a highly efficient western blotting transfer system that uses a novel technology (patent pending) developed by GenScript. eBlot® L1 combines the high reproducibility and efficiency of the traditional wet transfer with the speed and convenience of other fast transfer systems. The device allows efficient blot transfer of small, medium and large molecular weight proteins within 9 to 17 minutes.

Artikel nummer : (ICNA11INSB8100)
Leverantör: MP Biomedicals
Beskrivning: TransDNA Express™ vacuum blotter is used to quickly and efficiently transfer DNA and RNA to membranes. Transfer is completed within an hour without any additional handling.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Artikel nummer : (80-6418-96)
Leverantör: Cytiva
Beskrivning: Perform 1-D and 2-D electrophoresis and electrotransfer in a single compact unit.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Artikel nummer : (732-3879)
Leverantör: Genscript
Beskrivning: eZwest™ Lite is an automated western blotting device providing an easy and simple solution in your western blotting workflow. After proteins are transferred onto the membrane, load the membrane into our eZwest™ Lite device for automated blocking, incubation, and washing cycles. The user only needs to prepare the required reagents, run the customised program, and eZwest™ Lite will take care of the rest. Once the program is finished, the user can collect the results and immediately proceed to detection and analysis steps. eZwest™ Lite is easy to use and has minimal footprint.
UOM: 1 * 1 SET

Artikel nummer : (TE22)
Leverantör: Cytiva
Beskrivning: Transphor™ units use transverse electrophoresis to transfer proteins from polyacrylamide gels onto nitrocellulose and PVDF membranes. The optional Transphor™ power lid delivers up to 1,5 A and 100 V in constant current mode.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

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