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Artikel nummer : (AC1201-02)
Leverantör: OMEGA BIO-TEK
Beskrivning: AeraSeal is a 114 µm thick, hydrophobic porous film with medical-grade adhesive for tissue culture plates, bio-blocks, and 96-well plates where gas exchange is necessary for cell or bacterial growth.
UOM: 1 * 50 Items

Leverantör: OMEGA BIO-TEK
Beskrivning: The E.Z.N.A.® tissue DNA kit offers a simple, rapid, and cost effective method for the isolation of DNA from a wide variety of sample sources including fresh or frozen animal cells and tissues. After cell lysis, the DNA purification process can be completed in less than 30 minutes. Up to 30 mg of tissue at a time can be readily processed at a time using the simple E.Z.N.A.® tissue DNA protocol. Single or multiple samples can be simultaneously processed with this spin-column based kit. There is no need for phenol/chloroform extractions, or time-consuming steps such as precipitation with isopropanol or ethanol. DNA purified using the E.Z.N.A.® tissue DNA kit is ready for most downstream applications such as PCR, southern blot and restriction enzyme digestion.

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Leverantör: OMEGA BIO-TEK
Beskrivning: Isolate total RNA from cells or soft tissues using spin column.
Leverantör: OMEGA BIO-TEK
Beskrivning: E.Z.N.A.® SP Plant DNA Kit är särskilt utformat för snabb och tillförlitlig isolering av totalt cellulärt DNA av hög kvalitet från en rad olika växtsorter. Upp till 100 mg av färska prover eller 30 mg av torra prover kan beredas på mindre än 40 minuter. Framrenat DNA är lämpat för de flesta nedströms tillämpningar inklusive PCR, restriktionsklyvning och hybridiseringstekniker.
Leverantör: OMEGA BIO-TEK
Beskrivning: The E.Z.N.A.® bacterial DNA kit allows the rapid and reliable isolation of high quality total cellular DNA from a wide variety of bacterial species. This kit uses optimised lysis condition and up to 1×10⁹ bacterial cells can be processed for each column. There are no organic extractions, thus reducing plastic waste and hands on time to allow multiple samples to be processed in parallel. Bacterial cells are grown to log-phase and harvested. The cell wall is removed by lysozyme digestion and bead beating, followed by protease digestion. Following lysis, binding conditions are adjusted and the sample is applied to a HiBind DNA spin-column. Two rapid wash steps remove trace salts and protein contaminants, and DNA is finally eluted in water or elution buffer. Purified DNA can be directly used in downstream applications without the need for further purification.
Leverantör: OMEGA BIO-TEK
Beskrivning: Gel purification of DNA is a common technique used for the isolation of specific DNA fragments. However, most methods either fail to completely remove agarose (which can lead to problems in downstream manipulations), shear the DNA, or result in very low yields.
Leverantör: OMEGA BIO-TEK
Beskrivning: The E.Z.N.A.® Plasmid Mini Kit I is designed to isolate up to 30 µg of high-quality plasmid DNA from 1 to 5 ml bacterial cultures in 30 minutes or less. Plasmid DNA purification is simplified with HiBind® Mini Column technology into three quick steps: Bind, wash, and elute. Purified plasmid DNA is immediately ready for a wide variety of downstream applications such as routine screening, restriction enzyme digestion, and manual/automated fluorescent DNA sequencing. E.Z.N.A.® Plasmid Mini Kit I is available in either V-spin or Q-spin column format. V-spin column formats have an attached lid while Q-spin columns do not. Both versions can be used for centrifugation or vacuum protocols.
Leverantör: OMEGA BIO-TEK
Beskrivning: The E.Z.N.A.® miRNA isolation kit uses a rapid procedure to isolate small RNAs, such as micro RNA (miRNA), small interfering RNA (siRNA), and small nuclear RNA (snRNA), from wide range of tissues and cells. The fast and efficient silica membrane based method isolates total RNA ranging in size from kilo based down to decamers. The kit also provides reagents and a procedure to enrich the population of RNAs that are 200 bases and smaller, which enhances the sensitivity of small RNA detection by solution hybridisation, Northern analysis, and other methods.
Leverantör: OMEGA BIO-TEK
Beskrivning: Den valda proteasnedbrytningen frigör mikrogram mängder av RNA från FFPE-prover. De renade nukleinsyrorna är visserligen starkt fragmenterade men passar ändå för ett flertal olika genomik- och genexpressionsrelaterade nedströmsanalyser. E.Z.N.A®-spinkolonnbaserade kit är idealiska för applikationer med låg provgenomströmning, medan Mag-Bind® kiten baserade på magnetiska kulor är särskilt utformade för automatiserad användning med hög provgenomströmning.
Leverantör: OMEGA BIO-TEK
Beskrivning: This second generation plasmid miniprep kit yields 40 to 70 µg of high-quality DNA in less than 30 minutes using the same format as the E.Z.N.A.® Plasmid Mini Kit I. The increased DNA binding capacity of the HiBind® Mini Column II allows culture volumes of up to 15 ml to be used, thus bridging the gap between mini and midi prep protocols. Plasmid DNA can be readily and quickly isolated for most downstream applications such as routine screening, restriction enzyme digestion, and DNA sequencing.
Leverantör: OMEGA BIO-TEK
Beskrivning: The E.Z.N.A.® HP Total RNA Isolation Kit provides a rapid and easy method for RNA isolation from a small amount of cultured eukaryotic cells or tissues. This kit allows single or simultaneous processing of multiple samples in less than 40 minutes. Normally, 1×10⁷ eukaryotic cells or 25 to 30 mg tissue can be used in a single experiment. There is no need for phenol/chloroform extractions, time-consuming steps such as CsCl gradient ultracentrifugation, or precipitation with isopropanol or LiCl. RNA purified using the E.Z.N.A.® HP Total RNA method is ready for applications such as RT-PCR, RT-qPCR, Northern blotting, poly A+ RNA (mRNA) purification, nuclease protection, and<i> in vitro</i> translation.
Artikel nummer : (M6399-01CEIVD)
Leverantör: OMEGA BIO-TEK
Beskrivning: Mag-Bind® Blood and Tissue DNA Kit CE IVD offers a versatile method for the isolation of high-quality DNA from a wide variety of samples including fresh or frozen animal cultured cells and tissues, up to 250 µl whole blood, buccal swabs, up to 500 µl saliva, and dried blood spots.
UOM: 1 * 384 Items

Artikel nummer : (OMEGMBPRQ-200)
Leverantör: OMEGA BIO-TEK
Beskrivning: Mag-Bind® Particles RQ
UOM: 1 * 200 mL

New Product

Leverantör: OMEGA BIO-TEK
Beskrivning: Isolate DNA from up to 10 ml blood using magnetic beads.
Artikel nummer : (D2492-03)
Leverantör: OMEGA BIO-TEK
Beskrivning: The E.Z.N.A.® Blood DNA Maxi Kit is specially designed for large scale isolation of genomic DNA. The kit provides a rapid purification of genomic DNA from up to 10 ml whole blood samples. Sample sources include fresh and frozen whole blood treated with common anticoagulants such as citrate, EDTA and heparin. In addition plasma, serum, buffy coat, bone marrow, lymphocytes, platelets, and body fluid samples can also be used. Phenol/chloroform extractions, and time-consuming steps such as precipitation with isopropanol have been eliminated. DNA purified using the E.Z.N.A.® Blood DNA Maxi method is free of contaminants and enzyme inhibitors making it suitable for most downstream applications such as PCR, Southern blotting and restriction enzyme digestion of high-quality total DNA.
UOM: 1 * 50 Tests

Leverantör: OMEGA BIO-TEK
Beskrivning: The E.Z.N.A.® Viral RNA Kit is designed for the isolation of viral RNA from cell free fluids such as plasma, serum, urine and cell culture supernatant. The procedure completely removes contaminants and enzyme inhibitors making viral RNA isolation fast, convenient and reliable. The kit is also suitable for the isolation of total RNA from cultured cells, tissues and bacteria. RNA purified using the E.Z.N.A.® Viral RNA method is ready for all downstream applications such as RT-PCR.
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VWR International AB säljer bara etanol till skattebefriade kunder.
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