Cut resistant gloves, ChainExtra, with short cuff

2542411R0302 2542412R0302 2542413R0302 2542414R0302
DALL2542411R0302EA 5475 SEK
DALL2542411R0302 DALL2542412R0302 DALL2542413R0302 DALL2542414R0302
Cut resistant gloves, ChainExtra, with short cuff
These fully reversible chainmail gloves are equipped with heavy duty adjustable straps and press stud fastening. They combines safety, quality and comfort, protecting against cuts, a common hazard in the meat and processing industries.

  • Detachable and interchangeable plastic straps with antimicrobial agent
  • Damaged straps can be changed over quickly and easily
  • Firm fastening for a secure fit every time; there is no side slit which may allow a knife to enter at wrist level
  • Fitted with an identification tag which can be personalised by the wearer
  • Each glove is identified by a unique number for traceability and record keeping
  • Exceptional quality of chain mesh welds, reducing the number of repairs, and increasing the life time of the glove
  • Protection for hand and part of forearm

Typical applications include: Metal works, meat processing lines, kill floors, meat deboning, poultry works, fish processing.

Length: 308 to 370 mm (depending on size)

Weight: 254 to 360 g (depending on size)

Chainmail thickness: 0,05 mm
External diameter of ring: 4 mm

Certifikat: EN 14328; Conforms with EC directive 89/686/CEE

Förpackning: Every glove is packaged in a bag or a case on which is pasted a tag indicating the model, together with a multilingualinstruction for use.

Observera: The colour given in the ordering table states the colour of the colour-coded plastic straps.
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