
Leverantör: Thermo Fisher Scientific
66110 66330 66333 66373 66382 66807 66107 66332 66370 66383 66810 69570 66335 66372 66380 66385 66707 66710 66453 66130 66830 66454 66455 66203 66212 66811 66230 66003 66012 66205 66005 66030 66381 66384 66456
514-0267EA 3200 SEK
514-0267 514-0269 514-0786 514-0272 514-0273 514-0284 PIER66107 PIER66332 514-0270 514-0171 514-0173 514-0286 PIER66335 514-0271 514-0172 514-0275 PIER66707 PIER66710 514-0277 PIER66130 514-0170 514-0278 514-0279 514-0268 PIER66212 514-0285 PIER66230 514-0263 514-0265 514-0787 514-0264 514-0266 PIER66381 514-0274 PIER66456
Slangar Slangar för dialys
These devices can be used for a wide range of applications including low molecular-weight contaminant removal, buffer exchange, desalting, equilibrium dialysis, and concentration. The cassette membrane is composed of low-binding regenerated cellulose and features a hermetically sealed sample chamber to maintain the highest possible sample retention. This type of membrane is compatible with a number of common chemicals and buffers. The colour-coded transparent frames of the Slide-A-Lyzer® cassette allow instant recognition of the MWCO of the membrane and make viewing the needle easier during sample injection.

  • Användarvänlig - inga knutar eller klämmor behövs
  • Snabb dialys - platt kassett med kammare med två membran ger stor yta, volymen maximerar diffusions hastigheten jämfört med cylindriska dialysslangar
  • Högt utbyte - den rektangulära designen maximerar utbytet via de fyra injektionsportarna i hörnen
  • Fyra olika storlekar - välj den som passar provvolymen
  • Färgkodade - blå kasett för 2000 MW membran

* Satserna innehåller kassetter, flytkroppar, sprutor och nålar
** gammastrålade

Liquid samples are easily added and removed by penetrating the self-sealing gasket with a hypodermic needle attached to a syringe. No knots, clips, or caps are needed to seal the units and prevent leaking and sample-loss during the dialysis procedure.

Slide-A-Lyzer Dialysis Cassettes are hermetically sealed on either side of a silicone-like gasket inside an inert plastic frame. The membrane and cassette materials are compatible with most common laboratory chemicals and buffers.

Observera: For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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