In-Line filters, Polydisc™ GW, Whatman™

Leverantör: Whatman products (Cytiva)
10463400 10463401
514-0088EA 4450 SEK
514-0088 514-0089
In-Line filters, Polydisc™ GW, Whatman™
Filter Mellanfilter
Cytiva's Polydisc GW (Ground Water) is an in-line filter specifically designed for preparation of ground water samples for dissolved heavy metal analysis.

  • Hydrophilic, durable nylon membrane is compatible with aqueous samples
  • 100% quartz fiber prefilter with low heavy metal content allows filtration of larger volumes of even heavily particle-laden samples
  • Certified low background metal values for heavy metal testing
  • Large 20,4 cm² filtration area
  • Tubing nozzle compatible with 6 - 14 mm Int.Ø hose

Polydisc GW’s large filter surface, durable nylon Whatman membrane, and quartz fiber prefilter result in high dirt-loading capacity. The filter was designed in line with regulatory requirements for groundwater testing found in US EPA Method 3005A.

Heavy metal testing in ground water often requires an aqueous filter to reduce a sample’s turbidity, but results can be skewed if the filter itself contains heavy metals. Cytiva certifies each Polydisc GW batch for low background values for the determination of trace elements.
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