Nucleic acid and protein purification systems, KingFisher™ Flex

Leverantör: Thermo Fisher Scientific
5400610 5400640 5400620 5400630
731-0139EA 0 SEK
731-0139 736-0684 731-0140 736-0683
Nucleic acid and protein purification systems, KingFisher™ Flex
Automatiserade reningssystem för nukleinsyror och proteiner
The KingFisher™ magnetic particle processors are designed to automate time consuming sample processing of nucleic acids, proteins or cells from virtually any source (blood, cell cultures, tissue lysates, soil, faeces, for example). The KingFisher™ family consists of instruments with different throughput and volume capacities to fulfil individual sample processing needs. Each system consists of an instrument, specially designed plastics, and software. The KingFisher™ systems offer rapid and reproducible purification of high quality DNA, RNA, proteins and cells for various types of downstreamMore Product Information
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