69  results were found

Using Batch Centrifugation To Improve Bioprocessing Efficiencies

Using Batch Centrifugation To Improve Bioprocessing Efficiencies Webinar Monday 21st June 2021 11:00 to 12:00 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance Bioprocessing harvesting plays an im...


Laboratoriemiljöer Säkerhetslaboratorier förlitar sig på smarta handskydd från Ansell. Ansell är global ledare inom handskydd. För att minimera potentiella hälso- och säkerhetsrisker - biologiska kemiska och fysiska - är våra innovativa produkter ...

pH Measurement: What is important if you need the 'right' pH value?

pH Measurement: What is important if you need the 'right' pH value? Webinar Friday 23rd October 2020 10:00 to 11:00 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance In this webinar we will cover ...

Considerations When Choosing A Colony Picking Solution

Considerations When Choosing A Colony Picking Solution Webinar Thursday 17th June 2021 12:00 to 13:00 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance Does your work involve colony picking? Are y...

Thermo Scientific restriction enzymes

Thermo Scientific restriction enzymes The Great Double Digest Day Double Digest your DNA in only 5-15 minutes with one buffer and load directly onto your gel with 176 Thermo Scientific FastDigest Enzymes. Restriction digestion gets easy Thermo Sci...

Thermo Scientific Molecular Biology selection

Thermo Scientific Molecular Biology selection Top customer picks. Making a difference in labs worldwide Thermo Scientific™ molecular biology tools are used by researchers worldwide. From quality high-fidelity or Taq DNA polymerases simple and fast...

Thermo Scientific™ Nunc™ & Abgene™ microplates

Thermo Scientific™ Nunc™ & Abgene™ microplates Quality and innovation for your cell-based assays immunoassays biobanking and storage Thermo Scientific Nunc has over 40 years of experience in designing and manufacturing microtiter plates for resear...

Thermo Scientific lösningar för vätskehantering

Thermo Scientific lösningar för vätskehantering Förenkla ditt sätt att pipettera Introduktion av Thermo Scientific™ MyPipette™ app och E1-ClipTip™ Bluetooth pipetter My Pipette™ Creator är ett webbaserat app som möjliggör effektiv programmering oc...

How to make your lab a safer place? Bring safety in your lab to the next level with Merck!

How to make your lab a safer place? Bring safety in your lab to the next level with Merck! Webinar Thursday November 21st 2019 14:00 to 15:00 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) PRESENTED IN ENGLISH Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certifica...

Byggblock, fluorkemikalier och syntesreagenser - Apollo Scientific

Byggblock fluorkemikalier och syntesreagenser - Apollo Scientific Apollo Scientific är specialist inom tillverkning och leverans av aromatiska heterocykliska och alifatiska föreningar fluorkemikalier och life science-reagenser. Med överlägsen serv...

Prisbelönat innovativt ViVi-CR hjälmsystem med huva för renrum

Prisbelönat innovativt ViVi-CR hjälmsystem med huva för renrum Award winning sterile ventilated cleanroom helmet and hood system ViVi-CR for operators in aseptic cleanrooms Learn More Operators in aseptic cleanrooms (class A/B) are required to wea...

From Sample to Sequence

From Sample to Sequence No room for ambiguity When doing genotyping pathogen testing or biomarker discovery in agriculture food industry healthcare or biomedical research there is one common challenge: Getting huge cohorts of samples processed whi...

Overview on Viscosity, Flash Point and Certified Reference Materials for the Petroleum Industry

Overview on Viscosity Flash Point and Certified Reference Materials for the Petroleum Industry Webinar Thursday 10th June 2021 15:00 to 16:00 CET (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay In this presentation Paragon Scientific will provide some product awaren...

3D Cell Culture made it easier

3D Cell Culture made it easier Webinar Thursday 4th November 2021 15:00 to 16:00 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) Register Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance 3D cell culture has gained rapid adoption in recent years and i...

How to Load Tubing into Masterflex I/P High-Perfomance Peristaltic Pumps

How to Load Tubing into Masterflex I/P High-Perfomance Peristaltic Pumps To view this video please enable JavaScript and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video Tubing Loading Steps This video shows how to load tubing into a ...

Automatiska vätskebehandlare och dispensrar

Automatiska vätskebehandlare och dispensrar Öka produktiviteten genom att minska arbetsinsatsen med Thermo Scientific™ automatiska vätskebehandlings- och dispensersystem. De här instrumenten kan användas för många olika volymer och typer av labora...
1 - 16 of 69