Du sökte efter: Vakuumkontrollenheter

Precisely regulate the vacuum level with the compact vacuum controllers in order to match desired atmospheric pressure. These devices offer complete control over rotary evaporation, vacuum ovens and chambers, and other common processes. The intuitive designs are corrosion-resistant constructed to guarantee the routinely used equipment has a long working lifetime. Remote monitoring and controlling of pump units and vacuum systems is made possible through easy integration with computer networks.

Precisely regulate the vacuum level with the compact vacuum controllers in order to match desired atmospheric pressure. These devices offer complete control over rotary evaporation, vacuum ovens and chambers, and other common processes. The intuitive designs are corrosion-resistant constructed to guarantee the routinely used equipment has a long working lifetime. Remote monitoring and controlling of pump units and vacuum systems is made possible through easy integration with computer networks.

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Artikel nummer : (181-1030)
Leverantör: VACUUBRAND
Beskrivning: <B>Modell CVC 3000: </B>Helt elektronisk, mycket mångsidig vakuummätare och kontrollenhet. Utrustad med en inbyggd kapacitiv absoluttryckgivare i alumina-keramik samt inbyggd ventilationsventil och brytarförsedda utgångar för en vakuumledningsventil och en kylvattenventil. Den underlättar arbetet betydligt, och främjar miljön samtidigt som den skyddar prover och säkrar återvinning av lösningsmedel, och skyddar mot minskad skumbildning och överhettning. Du hittar enkelt och snabbt den optimala vakuuminställningen, även med okända blandningar och tryck.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Artikel nummer : (VACU20683180)
Leverantör: VACUUBRAND
Beskrivning: The VACUU.LAN local vacuum network connects several workstations to one vacuum pump. The various modules make it possible to connect almost all popular vacuum applications such as rotary evaporators, vacuum concentrators, gel dryers, drying ovens and filter systems. It can be integrated into new laboratory furniture at the time of assembly or subsequently installed in existing laboratories.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

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Artikel nummer : (181-0581)
Leverantör: Welch by Gardner Denver
Beskrivning: Precise vacuum control for evaporation and distillation of solvents and chemicals.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Leverantör: VACUUBRAND
Beskrivning: VACUU·SELECT fine vacuum control packages provide an easy-to-use vacuum control option for work between 1 mbar and 10<sup>-3</sup> mbar, such as freeze drying, Schlenk lines, and molecular distillation. Predefined applications can be adjusted easily, and new applications can be created in a matter of seconds, to meet your precise needs.

Leverantör: VACUUBRAND
Beskrivning: The VACUU·SELECT complete controller is ready for use with existing vacuum sources like pumps or vacuum networks.

Artikel nummer : (KNFAVC900)
Leverantör: KNF
Beskrivning: Vacuum control unit to control the vacuum applications, like rotary evaporation, distillation, multi-user vacuum system.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Artikel nummer : (131-0000)
Leverantör: VACUUBRAND
Beskrivning: The VACUU·SELECT controller is an intuitive, easy-to-use vacuum controller with a touch screen display suitable for all laboratory vacuum processes. For solvent evaporation, VACUU·SELECT detects boiling points and adjusts the vacuum process as necessary.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Artikel nummer : (181-0332)
Leverantör: VACUUBRAND
Beskrivning: The CVC 3000 detect compact vacuum controller complete with integral vacuum valve and sensor is ready to use either as a bench top or stand mounted unit. The CVC 3000 detect is a compact two-point vacuum regulator, with integrated ceramic vacuum sensor and ventilation valve. The "detect" function provides the ability to recognise and find the boiling pressure and thus greatly facilitates the work of solvent evaporation. With integrated non-return valve and chemistry vacuum valve, it forms a highly compact and easy-to-install unit for vacuum regulation. Used in conjunction with existing vacuum pumps or networks, process efficiency is significantly increased through the "detect" electronic vacuum control, the solvent recovery is increased and the environment better protected. The programmable CVC 3000 detect is available for both bench top and stand mounting operation.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

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