Du sökte efter: Temperaturreglersystem

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Leverantör: JULABO GMBH
Beskrivning: De PRESTO®-systemen täcker ett arbetstemperaturområde –93 till +250 °C med hög nedkylnings- och uppvärmningskapacitet. De kan kompensera för exoterma och endoterma reaktioner med enastående hastighet, har höga flödeshastigheter, jämnt tryck och reglerad ökning av pumptrycket. Förändringar av viskositeten i den temperaturreglerande vätskan balanseras dynamiskt. Permanent intern övervakning och självsmörjande pumpar bidrar till långa serviceintervaller. Den inbyggda panelen ger användaren en tydlig vy av viktig information. Fingertoppskontroll via den pekskärmen. Tack vare flera interface kan PRESTO® fjärrstyras via nätverk och i överordnade styrsystem. Den nya PRESTO® kan enkelt fjärrstyras trådlöst med hjälp av WirelessTEMP-produkterna.

Artikel nummer : (JULA9021709.D)
Leverantör: JULABO GMBH
Beskrivning: The JULABO beer forcing test bath in conjunction with a photometer determines the product life of beer before clouding. The simulated aging process is achieved through a programmable temperature profile, which is repeated, until the first clouding develops.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

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Leverantör: LAUDA
Beskrivning: The LOOP product range includes two thermo-electric circulation thermostats for external temperature control.

Leverantör: LAUDA
Beskrivning: Process thermostats with integrated cooling system for dynamic temperature control within external circuits.

Leverantör: IKA
Beskrivning: ICC compact immersion circulators allow for flexible coupling to water baths of different volumes. They are designed for tempering liquids up to temperatures of 150 °C. The convenient carrying handle and compact design allow easy transportation as well as comfortable use. An economic and attractive solution for basic applications such as sample tempering and glassware heating.

Leverantör: HUBER
Beskrivning: Unistats® are the ideal solution for fast and precise thermal control of externally connected applications. These compact units enable previously unachievable performance, offer rapid temperature change and allow use over a wide temperature range without requiring a fluid change. There are over 60 models to choose from in sleek tower housings, or flat-build with cooling powers from 0,7 to 130 kW. Whatever the application, Unistats® provide professional scale up offering the same stable process conditions from the development lab to production systems. Units have a range of safety functions, provide flexible communication via USB and LAN interfaces and give comprehensive warning alarms. Units are ideal for use with reactor systems, autoclaves, pilot and mini plant systems, scale up developments, double wall reactors, distillation systems, material testing and use in combinational chemistry and the semiconductor industry.

Artikel nummer : (IKAA25004524)
Leverantör: IKA
Beskrivning: This compact refrigerated and heating circulator HRC 2 control is well known for its high energy efficiency and a powerful and infinitely variable pressure and suction pump.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Artikel nummer : (HUBE2041.0001.01)
Leverantör: HUBER
Beskrivning: BFT5 is a special heating and cooling thermostat ideal for beer-forcing test. This unit is fitted with True Adaptive temperature control and programmer for automatic temperature cycles. The beer is artificially ages with changing temperature between 0 and 60 °C in a 24 hour cycle. The unit features a pressure suction pump, programmer with calender and clock function.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Leverantör: HUBER
Beskrivning: Unistat® technology guarantees precise, reproducible temperature control results, short heating and cooling times and large temperature ranges without the need for fluid change. All important parameters can be seen at a glance and temperature curves are displayed in graphic real time. Unistats® are equipped with up-to-date pump technology for optimal heat transfer. The pump self-regulates to ensure the best possible circulation and flow and delicate glass reactors are protected from breakage by the pumps soft start-up feature. Unistat® technology provides economic operation with reduced operating costs and efficient energy management. Unistats® are hydraulically sealed so the service life of the temperature control fluid is dramatically increased by preventing oil loss through vapours and oxidation, saving resources.

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VWR International AB säljer bara etanol till skattebefriade kunder. Denna produkt ä reglerad enligt svensk lagstiftning. Om ytterligare information krävs av dig kommer du att kontaktas via e-post.
VWR International AB säljer bara etanol till skattebefriade kunder.
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Denna produkt är inte längre tillgänglig. Alternativ kan vara tillgängliga genom att söka med VWR art.nr ovan. Om du behöver ytterligare hjälp, ring VWR Kundservice på 08-621 34 20.
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