Du sökte efter: Svabbar, för tranport

Natural or synthetic tipped transport swabs collect and lock in microbiological specimens for a safe transfer to testing location. Choose from different moistening media to improve the preservation of specific samples. The self-contained systems feature durable tubes and tight sealing caps to maintain optimum anaerobic or aerobic storage conditions. Single- or double-tip formats are available on longer-sized shafts for successful capturing even in hard-to-reach areas.

Natural or synthetic tipped transport swabs collect and lock in microbiological specimens for a safe transfer to testing location. Choose from different moistening media to improve the preservation of specific samples. The self-contained systems feature durable tubes and tight sealing caps to maintain optimum anaerobic or aerobic storage conditions. Single- or double-tip formats are available on longer-sized shafts for successful capturing even in hard-to-reach areas.

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Artikel nummer : (710-0442)
Leverantör: VWR Collection
Beskrivning: Transportsvabbsystem med plastskaft och syntetisk spets, med Amies agargel.
UOM: 1 * 50 Items

Leverantör: Copan
Beskrivning: Liquid transport medium is contained in a sponge carrier located in the bottom of the tube.

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Artikel nummer : (COPA414C)
Leverantör: Copan
Beskrivning: The M40 Transystem line is the latest generation of traditional bacteriology transport swabs. It was designed to provide the ultimate performance capability with the most diverse range of fastidious aerobic and anaerobic bacteria including Neisseria gonorrhoeae, sustaining viability during transit or storage at room temperature and refrigerator temperatures for up to 48 hours (at least 24 hours for Neisseria gonorrhoeae).
UOM: 1 * 50 Items


Beskrivning: Effective transportation of throat, vaginal, wound and skin swabs conforming to highest medical device classification - Class II a surgically invasive transient use. All swabs have soft rayon tips, which are inert and non-toxic to micro-organisms.
The addition of charcoal in the medium is considered to neutralise bacterial toxins and other inhibitory substances and has been shown to increase the recovery of Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

Leverantör: Copan
Beskrivning: A range of collection and transport devices for bacterial specimens.
Leverantör: VWR Collection
Beskrivning: En serie svabbar för provtagning- och transport av bakterieprover. Finns tillgängliga med olika applikatorer och transportmedia.

Leverantör: DELTALAB
Beskrivning: The glycerophosphate has been substituted by inorganic phosphate since glycerophosphate is a metabolite for some bacteria, so they could grow and disgrise the pathogens amount.

Artikel nummer : (DELT300299)
Leverantör: DELTALAB
Beskrivning: Transport swab suitable for the detection of Chlamydia.
UOM: 1 * 600 Items

Leverantör: DELTALAB
Beskrivning: The modified Stuart medium allows the conservation and transport of a large number of pathological microorganisms

Leverantör: DELTALAB
Beskrivning: Snappable transport swabs in a tube.

Artikel nummer : (DELT300284.SE)
Leverantör: DELTALAB
Beskrivning: This is a variation of the traditional Amies media swab where the media is presented on liquid form without agar.
UOM: 1 * 1.200 Items

New Product

Leverantör: BALIS
Beskrivning: Swabtube, with 10 ml peptone pysiolog. saline solution, VWR®

Beskrivning: Transwab with a narrow shaft and bud for nasopharyngeal or urethral sampling.

New Product

Beskrivning: Each transport tube contains Amies medium preferred because the inorganic buffer ensures maintenance without overgrowth.
Beskrivning: Swabs in test tube, Amies gel, Aluminium, Diam.: 12 mm, 140 mm

Beskrivning: Microbiology transport sets sterilised by radiation.

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