Du sökte efter: Membranpumpar

These compact diaphragm vacuum pumps offer high-performance for single and multiple filtrations, solid phrase extraction, and other fluid movement tasks. Space-saving designs make these products convenient to place and therefore quick to operate. With a whisper-quiet operation and low operation, the diaphragm vacuum pumps will not interfere with work. The robust manufacturing has excellent corrosion resistance against chemicals routinely employed in biology and chemistry lab applications.

These compact diaphragm vacuum pumps offer high-performance for single and multiple filtrations, solid phrase extraction, and other fluid movement tasks. Space-saving designs make these products convenient to place and therefore quick to operate. With a whisper-quiet operation and low operation, the diaphragm vacuum pumps will not interfere with work. The robust manufacturing has excellent corrosion resistance against chemicals routinely employed in biology and chemistry lab applications.

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Artikel nummer : (181-0094)
Leverantör: VWR Collection
Beskrivning: Membranpump med två huvud och inbyggd självtorkningssytem som sätter färg på labbet. Passar för många olika applikationer speciellt när fuktiga gaser behöver evakueras till ex ihop med vakuumugnar (för torkning eller värmebehandling av olika substanser och komponenter) eller autoklaver för sterilisering av instrument, behållare, filter eller textilier. Med hög resistens för aggressiva medier. Tack vare patenterat membran (PTFE-överdraget) kan pumpstorleken minskas samtidigt som membranets livslängd ökar. Det innovativa torkningssystemet blåser ut den kondenserade vätskan ur pumpen med hög hastighet under evakuering. Vakuum förblir konstant. Torkningscykeln kan anpassas till varje process genom programmering av tre variabler. Efter torkning kan pumpen nå högre vakuum och evakuera snabbare än pumpar utan torkningssystem.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Leverantör: VWR Collection
Beskrivning: VCP 80 and VCP 130 can be used as vacuum and pressure pumps, and set a standard for efficient vacuum use. Use these pumps as an affordable vacuuming application where corrosion resistance is not required. These pumps can be used for vacuum filtration of aqueous solutions, or aqueous fumes including buffers, but are not recommended for pumping acidic, basic or organic fumes. These VWR® Collection vacuum/pressure pumps are designed for continuous unattended operation, and have two dial gauges with manual regulators that enable you to adjust and easily monitor the required vacuum or pressure level.

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Artikel nummer : (181-3320)
Leverantör: KNF
Beskrivning: En- eller tvåhuvuds luft/gas, kemikalieresistent membranpump för ett stort antal olika labbapplikationer. Överför och evakuerar utan att mediet påverkas, dvs media förblir oförorenade.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Artikel nummer : (181-0570)
Leverantör: KNF
Beskrivning: The robust diaphragm vacuum pump N920G is extremely quiet.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Artikel nummer : (MILFXF5423050)
Leverantör: Merck
Beskrivning: Millivac™ Mini vacuum pumps are compact, maintenance-free pumps that provide a consistent source of vacuum for filtration and other laborabory applications. A patented diaphragm design has reduced the footprint of the pumps compared to conventional models.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Artikel nummer : (181-0067)
Leverantör: VWR Collection
Beskrivning: Enhuvud, torrkörande membranpump för ett brett utbud av laboratorieapplikationer. Den pumpar, komprimerar och evakuerar utan att påverka media, <i>dvs. </i>media förblir oförorenade. Inkluderar membran med patenterad spänningsoptimering, vilket gör att pumpstorleken kan vara mindre vilket förlänger membranets livslängd.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Artikel nummer : (181-0310)
Leverantör: VWR Collection
Beskrivning: The VP 220 is ideal for rotary evaporators providing the powerful vacuum needed for demanding evaporations without the use of oil pumps. VP 220 has built-in Advanced Vapour Management (AVM) which means precise control capability for the distillation of organic solvents and applications handling aggressive vapours and gases. The VP 220 is especially effective for rotary evaporation of low boiling point solvents such as acetone and ethanol and is able to rapidly strip DMF at 35 °C. The pump parts are all made of corrosion resistant materials such as PTFE and Kalrez to handle aggressive vapours, and together with vacuum adjustment, the evaporation process will be optimised. Use the vacuum adjustment to increase the vacuum until bubbles form in the evaporation flask - then lower it slightly. Reduce the vacuum for fast reaction to bumping or foaming.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Artikel nummer : (189-0033)
Leverantör: KNF
Beskrivning: Vacuum Pump System SC 920 G is speed regulated.
Application: Rotary evaporation, distillation.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Leverantör: BURKLE
Beskrivning: It is a single-head membrane vacuum pump which is widely used in research laboratories and industrial applications.

Artikel nummer : (181-0071)
Leverantör: VWR Collection
Beskrivning: Torrkörande membranpump med två huvuden för ett brett utbud av laboratorieapplikationer. Den pumpar, komprimerar och evakuerar utan att påverka media, dvs media förblir oförorenade. Pumpen inkluderar ett membran med patenterad spänningsoptimering, vilket gör att pumpen kan vara mindre vilket förlänger membranets livslängd.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Artikel nummer : (181-3212)
Leverantör: KNF
Beskrivning: Series N 022 diaphragm pumps are single-head, dry-running devices used in a wide range of laboratory applications. They transfer, compress and pump down without contamination.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Leverantör: KNF
Beskrivning: Chemically resistant, oil-free diaphragm vacuum pump featuring PTFE heads, PTFE-coated diaphragms and FFPM valves. An integrated self-drying system prevents the accumulation of condensates within the pump heads. Ideal for applications with exceedingly wet vapors.

Leverantör: KNF
Beskrivning: Single or dual-head chemically resistant, dry running diaphragm pumps for a wide range of laboratory applications. They transfer and evacuate without affecting the media, i.e. media remains uncontaminated.

Leverantör: KNF
Beskrivning: SC-systemen är utrustade med en kemikalieresistent membranpump. Vakuumsystemen kan användas vid många olika applikationer där behov finns av ett rent och konstant vakuum. Det finns ett urval vakuumpumpar med olika kapacitet och olika modulära systemkomponenter för att passa alla laboratoriebehov.

Artikel nummer : (KNFAN938.50KT.18)
Leverantör: KNF
Beskrivning: This diaphragm pumps is double-head, dry-running devices used in a wide range of laboratory applications.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Leverantör: KNF
Beskrivning: Single- or dual-headed, dry running diaphragm pumps for a wide variety of applications in laboratories. They transfer and evacuate without affecting the media, i.e. media remains uncontaminated. The pump includes a PTFE-coated diaphragm with patented tension optimisation, which allows the pump to be smaller and prolongs the service life of the diaphragm, it is ideal for aggressive/corrosive gases and vapors.

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