Du sökte efter: Blottingmembran

Instead of electro blotting, use cotton fiber blotting papers for manual processing in protein or nucleic acid research. Buffer solutions move in uniform capillary action bringing proteins clearly to surface for further sequence examination. Designed with the best wicking capabilities for successful transfer, blotting paper contains no additives. While most function with any general purpose model, select papers are designed for specific membranes. Choose pre-cut sheets in desired grade, blotter art, lsd blotter, and in any common dimension for optimal compatibility.

Instead of electro blotting, use cotton fiber blotting papers for manual processing in protein or nucleic acid research. Buffer solutions move in uniform capillary action bringing proteins clearly to surface for further sequence examination. Designed with the best wicking capabilities for successful transfer, blotting paper contains no additives. While most function with any general purpose model, select papers are designed for specific membranes. Choose pre-cut sheets in desired grade, blotter art, lsd blotter, and in any common dimension for optimal compatibility.

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Leverantör: VWR Collection
Beskrivning: Idealisk för användning som vekar i protein- och nukleinsyrablotting. Ger ett enhetligt flöde av buffert genom gelén till överföringsmembranet i en blotting sandwich. Även lämplig för användning för att ta bort geler från glasstöd.

Leverantör: VWR Collection
Beskrivning: Detta supertjocka papper används för att komplettera blottingsandwichen. Slät, jämn textur säkerställer kontinuerlig buffertkontakt från kammaren genom gelen och överföringsmembranen.

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Leverantör: Merck
Beskrivning: Chromotography-grade blotting paper for western and dot blotting.

Leverantör: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivning: Filterpapper särskilt framtaget för Western blotting.

Leverantör: Ahlstrom-Munksjö
Beskrivning: Special absorbent paper suitable for the determination of absorption of water in the production of sized paper according to the Cobb method and testing the formation of sheets in the cellulose paste industry.

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Leverantör: Sartorius
Beskrivning: Their extremely smooth surface and relatively high thickness provide them with superior absorption properties and uniformity across the entire contact area.

Leverantör: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivning: These Western blotting filter papers are pre-cut cotton sheets for wet or semi-dry, passive or electrophoretic transfer of proteins from polyacrylamide gels (SDS-PAGE) to PVDF, nitrocellulose, or other membranes.

Leverantör: Ahlstrom-Munksjö
Beskrivning: Ahlstrom-Munksjö offers a full range of high quality cotton papers with high absorbency – ideal for chromatographic analysis and blotting methods with gel (Southern, Northern and Western Blots). Ahlstrom-Munksjö manufactures, both in Europe and in the US, absorbent papers made of the highest purity cotton linters. These media do not contain additive of any kind, thus preventing any contamination during the transfer steps.

Beskrivning: Absorb adequate amounts of buffer for semi-dry electroblotting without the loss of mechanical stability with Thermo Scientific™ Owl™ Blotting Paper, high-quality blotting paper ideal for wicking and blotting applications.

Artikel nummer : (515-8110)
Leverantör: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Beskrivning: Absorbent paper strips made from cellulose for the removal of excess liquids, e.g., from microscope specimens.
UOM: 1 * 100 Items

Leverantör: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Beskrivning: This general purpose blotting paper is made from pure raw materials with a high absorbency and is used as a membrane gel support. Due to its thickness (0,8 mm), it is recommended for the lysis/denaturation of colony or plaque lifts and Western blots.

Leverantör: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Beskrivning: Pure cellulose produced entirely from the highest quality cotton linters with no additives of any kind.
Artikel nummer : (631-0866)
Beskrivning: Blotting paper 25 sheets/pack
UOM: 1 * 25 Items

Leverantör: Cytiva
Beskrivning: Blottingpapper, Sheets, 210×260 mm

Artikel nummer : (RPN6101M)
Leverantör: Cytiva
Beskrivning: Blottingpapper för forskningslaboratorier som är avsett för gelelektrofores i alla typer av molekylärbiologi- och proteinstudietillämpningar.
UOM: 1 * 100 Items

Leverantör: Cytiva
Beskrivning: Blottingpapper, Sheets, 90×105 mm

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