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The blocks for use in heaters and dry baths have a variety of well quantities to process numerous samples at once. Models safely hold test tubes, microcentrifuge tubes, vials, conical-bottom centrifuge tubes, or PCR plates, tubes and strips in close contact during the heating process for ideal heat transference. Constructed from solid, anodized aluminium, the blocks offer maximum heat retention. Interchangeable, modular blocks mix samples and may support thermometer use for easy monitoring of conditions.

The blocks for use in heaters and dry baths have a variety of well quantities to process numerous samples at once. Models safely hold test tubes, microcentrifuge tubes, vials, conical-bottom centrifuge tubes, or PCR plates, tubes and strips in close contact during the heating process for ideal heat transference. Constructed from solid, anodized aluminium, the blocks offer maximum heat retention. Interchangeable, modular blocks mix samples and may support thermometer use for easy monitoring of conditions.

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Leverantör: VWR Collection
Beskrivning: Solid blocks: For use as a low temperature hotplate or for custom drilling.

Leverantör: VWR Collection
Beskrivning: Värmeblock, block, VWR®, Aluminium block, För: 0,5 and 1,5 ml tubes, Antal hål: 26 + 24

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Beskrivning: Värmeblock, block, Grant-bio, block for TS-DW, För: One Starlab® 96/1200 µl deep well plate

Leverantör: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivning: Blocks for digital Block heater to optimise flexibility and performance.

Leverantör: VWR Collection
Beskrivning: Tillverkat i ett helgjutet block i eloxerad aluminium.

Leverantör: VWR Collection
Beskrivning: Värmeblock, block, VWR®, Mini block with thermometer well, Hålstorlek: Ø 11,1 mm, För: 1,5 ml tubes, Antal hål: 15, Djup: 30,5 mm

Leverantör: VWR Collection
Beskrivning: Värmeblock, block, VWR®, Interchangeable tube block, Hålstorlek: Ø 17,3 mm, För: 9×15 ml conical tubes, Antal hål: 9, Djup: 102,1 mm

Leverantör: VWR Collection
Beskrivning: Värmeblock, block, VWR®, block, Hålstorlek: Ø 13,9 mm, För: 12/13 mm provrör, Antal hål: 20, Djup: 48,4 mm

Artikel nummer : (NABE602211388)
Leverantör: NABERTHERM
Beskrivning: Heating elements for N7 (1 Set).
UOM: 1 * 1 SET

Beskrivning: Värmeblock, block, Grant-bio, block, interchangeable for 23×1,5 ml tubes

Artikel nummer : (460-0049)
Leverantör: Cole-Parmer
Beskrivning: Made from anodised aluminium, blocks have a separate hole to accommodate a thermometer if required.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Beskrivning: Grant blocks have a depth of 63 mm, ensuring precise temperature control for test tube applications.

Leverantör: IKA
Beskrivning: Värmeblock, block, Single block, combination: 4/3/2×1,5/15/50 ml , För: Centrifuge tubes, 1,5 ml/15 ml/50 ml, Djup: 39,1/44,5/47,6 mm

Leverantör: Cole-Parmer
Beskrivning: Interchangeable heating blocks offer excellent thermal conductivity.

Leverantör: IKA
Beskrivning: Med reaktionsblock kan synteser utföras i rundkolvar vid temperaturer upp till 180 ˚C, utan oljebad. Systemet sörjer för optimal värmeöverföring från plattan till mediet. Enhetlig blandning kan också garanteras, eftersom aluminiumblocken inte interfererar med det magnetiska fältet. Reaktionsblock finns i storlekar från 100 ml till 5000 ml, och det finns insatser för rundkolvar från 10 ml till 3000 ml. Tack vare det breda sortimentet av utbytbara insatser kan systemet användas för många olika applikationer med magnetomrörarna RCT, RET och RH-magnetiska värmeplattor.

Leverantör: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beskrivning: Reacti-Block™ aluminium Blocks are available with many hole configurations, machine-drilled to accommodate almost any size Reacti-Vial™ small reaction vial, test tube or microcentrifuge tube.

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VWR International AB säljer bara etanol till skattebefriade kunder.
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